00014. Extremely Violent Firefight with ET!
Length: 91 seconds • Screenplay pages: 28 • Taken Wow, I'm not sure what such these obviously fake flying saucers
Length: 91 seconds • Screenplay pages: 28 • Taken Wow, I'm not sure what such these obviously fake flying saucers
Length: 45 seconds • Screenplay pages: 36 • Taken Eros and Tanna's saucer leaves the mothership to return to Earth.
Length: 64 seconds • Screenplay pages: 43 • Taken Paula, obviously much faster than any of these ghouls, runs circles around them
Length: 116 seconds • Screenplay pages: 106-108 • Taken The final fight scene! Let it be on the record that Jeff started
Length: 81 seconds • Screenplay pages: 108-109 • Taken Poor Tanna deals with the aftermath of the fight and tries to escape