00033. Eros Calls Humans Dumb and Explains Universal Doomsday Risk!

00033. Eros Calls Humans Dumb and Explains Universal Doomsday Risk!

Length: 324 seconds • Screenplay pages: 94-100Taken

"You speak of Solaronite, just what is it??" Here it is! Eros attempts to explain here, in excruciating half-baked technobabble detail, multiple times, what this whole movie is about and why the aliens have been buzzing around, sending rude voicemails, and raising the dead. It's all about a doomsday device we're about to develop and the aliens don't trust humanity not to accidentally set it off and destroy the whole universe! Because humanity is dumb! Well, he's not wrong there, but Eros' utter contempt for humanity suggests there might be some other subtext on the go. Does Eros wish he was human? Is he jealous of our ways? Is he taking out his frustration about his job out on humanity? He also proves to be sexist. Jeez b'y. Who hurt you, Eros???

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