00002. Graveyard Scene with Bela Lugosi and Silent Gravediggers!

00002. Graveyard Scene with Bela Lugosi and Silent Gravediggers!

Length: 92 seconds • Screenplay pages: 3-4Taken

If you've ever seen the Tim Burton movie Ed Wood, you know that the famous Bela Lugosi, the famous hollywood Dracula, was Ed's friend, and before he died he recorded footage with Ed for different projects. This clip is one of those. Bela's character — "OLD MAN" — later becomes an undead villains in this movie, however, because Bela died before the movie was completed, Ed hired his dentist friend to be a body double because he kind of looked like Bela from the nose up. That's why he holds a cape up over his nose. This clip is great because Bela is laying it on heavy but acting with honesty, while everyone around him is just kinda standing there emotionless.

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